The History of Aizanoi

     The knowledge about the pre-Roman period of the city is quite limited.  It has discovered from the excavations around Temple of Zeus, the history of Aizanoi goes early as 3th millenium BCE. Very few data could reached today from the early periods. Following findings of grey ceramics which is specific to Phrygia, without an interruption, shows the continuity of cultural life in the city.

     Aizanoi entered the stage of history by Hellenistic period. At that times, city witnessed the struggles between diadokhes, relayed between Bithynia and Pergamon kingdoms. Under Pergamon rule, like other Greek sites, Aizanoi started to earn urban rights. The city fell under the Pergamon kingdoms rule by the Apamea Peace in 188 BCE, and engaged to Roman rule in 129 BCE as the Pergamon Kingdom fell under Roman domination and turn into Asia province. It become a ‘polis’ by the mid-1st century CE.

     Rapid changes during the Augustus period in the Roman Empire also took effect on Aizanoi and the city flourished, in this process which the cities connected with each other by the busy trade networks. The noble families lived in this city provided financial support to Theater-Stadion complex more than one hundred years. It is known that the construction of this complex was almost complete and the building was opened to plays, when construction of Temple of Zeus was complete in the scope of improvement policy at the city, including public buildings city wide. It can be said that this constructional dynamism at the Domitianus period showed itself at the Agora though. Although this spirit was not enough to stand out from the other cities of Asia province, the city managed to be one of the founding members of Panhellenion Alliance which founded by Hadrianus, Marcus Ulpius Appuleius Eurykles who was born in Aizanoi, attended to sessions between 154 CE and 157 CE in Athens as the delegate of Aizanoi. After Marcus Ulpius Appuleius Eurykles’ return to city, there began a new constructional movement. Geopolitic and religious importance of the city was always at the foreground until mid-3rd century, the end of the domination of Roman Empire at the region. Aizanoi become a part of the Phrygia Prima province which was formed with unification of Phrygia and Karia by the beginning of 4th century CE, in Byzantine period it was named Pacatiana. Some parts of temple and thermal bath was abandoned, other parts was used for some other reasons. In 7th century CE the city was a episcopal center under the Laodikeia Metropolitan Church. The city lost all of its former value in 8th century CE.


        Exact date of the arrival of Germiyanoğulları tribe and Çavdar Tatars to region is not known. According to Ottoman historians, both tribes was at the region after 1243. Çavdar Tatars used the temple as a fort.

     When Ottoman Empire Murad I. married his son Bayezid (later Bayezid I. “the Thunderbolt”) with daughter of Germiyanoğlu Süleyman Şah in 1381, Hisar-ı Çavdar (Çavdarhisar today) was a small village subject to subdistrict of Sazanos (Örencik today) which he offered to Ottoman Empireship as a marriage portion. With the death of Germiyanoğlu II. Yakup Bey in 1428 whole area devised to Ottoman rule permanently.

Last Update Date: 14 June 2023, Wednesday