Mosaic Bath


     Mosaic Bath in Meydan District was built around 2nd or 3rd century. It has hypocaust system like similar Roman Baths, besides apodyterium (locker room), tepidarium (warm room), calidarium (hot room) and frigidarium (cold room). The mosaics which the bath took its name, depicts satyros (a mythological being half human - half animal) and Maenads ( the mythologic women members of Dionysian Cult). 

  The parts of the bath with mosaics later turned into a basilica, and in the Justinianus period turned into a church, by loosing its original identity. In 80’s, the areas with mosaics covered with a roof, kept under protection with help of walls and wire nettings built around.

Last Update Date: 05 March 2024, Tuesday