Sacred Place of the Meter Steunene / Cybele


     One of the ancients authors Strabon, points out that there was a cave called “Steunos” in Aizanoi, and the name “Meter Steunene” comes from this cave. Moreover, another ancient author Pausanias, indicates that Aizanoians believed Meter Steunene gave birth to Zeus in this cave.

     There is a open-air ritual area dedicated to Meter Steunene in Aizanoi. The area which placed on a steep slope 4 km South of Temple of Zeus in the city center, includes two cylindrical buildings. The one placed at the south called “Tourabolium” (the area that people sacrified bulls), and the other one “Criabolium” (the area that people sacrified rams). Ancient authors tells there was a wooden or a metal netted platform on the upper surface of the chimney-like building, and on the platform sacrifice is done, and according to their own beliefs, the people who wants to cleanse his or her soul get under this platform naked and bathes with the blood of the sacrifice. In this way, the person was cleansed from his or her sins like a new born child. The cave named as ”Steunos” thought to have been in this steep slopes, where these two buildings takes place. But today, there is no entrance to the cave because of the collapses at the mouth of the cave.

    There is an area which is sacred for the native villagers and respected by them until late years, placed at the hills across the Meters Steunene sacred area, named “Aba Sultan”. There is a grave which encircled with stones at that area. Local people usually coming to this area for sacrificial rituals, cooking and to make their offerings. Besides these practices, prayers for rain, and ritual practices that have a connection with prosperity like prayers of men and women who wants children done here. Namely, the rituals performed for Meter Steunene about 2000 years before, are performed today for Aba Sultan. The names changed but these rituals didn’t.

Last Update Date: 14 June 2023, Wednesday